02 Aug

Reasons why Coconuts and Scuba Diving go together

Working and living on an island often gives people the impression you are living the dream – and they are right. Although just like anyone else we have responsibilities and a job, we still live on a tropical islands and let’s be honest, that makes up for most of it. Just like you would imagine with the island life sunshine, sea and sand play a big role. And what fruit comes with that? Coconuts of course!

Besides the fact they are delicious, they have several benefits as well. Especially with the ‘healcoconut Balithy hype’ going on now, coconuts are becoming even more popular. Here at Blue Season Bali we love coconut for a number of reasons as well. You might not think of it at first, but coconuts actually can contribute to a lot of advantages for diving as well!

  • As a drink

Coconut water is delicious and you will find fresh young coconut almost everywhere in Bali (tip; Try ice cold coconut water with a little honey and some lime!). The good thing about it that it is completely guilt-free! Coconut contains a lot of vitamins and it is a quick energy boost. Rather than storing the energy as body fat, it produces the energy immediately. It improves endurance during physical activities, which makes it a perfect drink before a dive! Especially for the shore dive in Tulamben or a dive in Nusa Penida with the currents.

Another great thing about coconut water is that it contains Potassium. This helps prevent leg cramps and muscle weakness, perfect for a diver!

  • As a hair mask

This one I learned from our Instructor Julie. Before every dive she uses coconut oil as a hair conditioner. Especially when you give courses in a swimming pool, your hair can get pretty damaged because of the chlorine. Apply a generous amount of coconut oil in your hair before you jump in the pool to protect your hair. This especially applies for the blond girls (or boys with longer locks of course 😉 ) under us, as the chlorine often turns your hair green!

Salt water can damage your hair after a while as well, as it can make your hair a bit dry. Use some coconut oil as conditioner to take care of it!

  • As a body oil or sunscreenBeach Bali Scuba Gear

If you dive very often you might feel that your skin can get a bit dry.

Coconut oil is the perfect body oil as it deeply feeds the skin and adds a nice glow, too! It is ultra-hydrating and improves the health and appearance of your skin. It is actually known to have the amazing ability to heal the skin, and even can be used as sunscreen! It blocks the damaging effects of UV radiation and protects you from sunburns. Didn’t think you can burn in the water? Think again! Especially when snorkelling, don’t forget your sunscreen (or bring coconut oil!). Remember, too long in the sun isn’t good for everyone and coconut oil is still less protective than proper sunscreen. If you burn easily, you might have to stick with your sunscreen.

There are many other ways to use of coconuts, but the best part is that they smell and taste delicious. And they’re super healthy, too! Where do you use them for? And what part of the coconut do you use?

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