Both professional and amateur photo enthusiasts across the globe have caught wind of Indonesia’s largest photography contest this year & Blue Season Bali is proud to be one of the Indonesian World Underwater Photography Contest (IWUPC)’s partners.
As a Participating Dive Operator (PDO) we would like to encourage all you photographers out there to participate – yes anyone with a camera can enter!

In theme with the IWUPC, Blue Season Bali will also be picking 2 winning photos each month during Mola-Mola season (July-October). So send us your best shots from your dive trips with us, we particularly love Mola-mola pictures although it is not a pre-requisite to enter. Besides honorable mentions across all platforms, you will also stand a chance to get your Nusa Penida trip fares reimbursed. Plus, a shot at the IWUPC Grand prize of USD$ 200,000 in cash!
If capturing fascinating yet mysterious creatures underwater is your thing, then start planning a trip down to Bali and start practicing or perfecting your underwater photography now. To learn more about our trips and the rules of the underwater photography contests please visit our website for more info: or
IWUPC photo entries should be submitted to Blue Season Bali before November 1st, 2013