Best Dive Job Blog
It’s getting to be that time of year again – Mola Mola Season!! Yesterday four Divemaster interns were lucky enough to get up close and personal with one of these gentle giants at “Buyuk,” a drift dive site in the North Nusa Penida. Unfortunately for me, I was on the other side of Bali helping out with some Discover Scuba Divers in Tulamben and missed all the action so I sat down with Brent, one of the lucky four, to find out how his first Mola Mola sighting was. Here’s what he had to say:
Doing practice dive guiding (3 Divemaster interns, one instructor) The three interns were face first exploring the reef. At about 25 meters depth, Frangky, one of our local Divemasters, gained Intern Manager Mike’s attention and soon Mike was banging his tank and giving the thumb up little finger out hand shake!! (underwater, this is known as the sign for Mola Mola). Lots of bubbles, some very powerful finkicks and less than a minute later, this huge 3+ meter Mola Mola glides by 10 meters away from us!! It appeared to have just finished up at a cleaning station. Clearly the Mola Mola possess some magical air sucking powers since some of the divers suddenly had 30 bar less air than they had only a few minutes before the Mola sighting.
And what was his first impression of this rather unusual fish?
errmehgawd, it was enormous – it was like a big grey oval blanket in the water with beady eyes and tiny little fins. It was sleek and glided past.
Hmmmm…well that’s an interesting take on things. ..
Hopefully soon I’ll be able to have my own face to face one of these amazing “grey oval blankets with beady eyes”.
Remember that the official start of Mola Mola season is July 15th. Why not come out with us for a Mola Mola dive and get up close and personal with one of Bali’s underwater wonders!

If you enjoyed reading this post, then you may like to know more information about this marvelous creature. Read them here :
Also remember, when you get to see one, be sure to follow our Mola Mola code of conduct.