PADI IDC – Best Dive Job Blog
Today was the first day of my PADI IDC and thankfully I have lived to tell the tale. After a somewhat sleepless night and with a belly full of jitters I stepped into the IDC classroom not too sure what I was walking into. Lucky for me the Course Director Stefan and Staff Instructor Chris were nothing but welcoming and quickly moved to calm my dive physics induced nerves. I also met my IDC partner in crime James from England, who is here for the 28 day IDC as well as a 2 month MSDT internship. We spent the morning going over the program’s structure and sifting through all our new PADI IDC goodies (books and slates and manuals galore…not to mention a fancy new PADI backpack!) and then it was time to jump in the pool and show Stefan and Chris what we are made of.
We completed a full skill circuit and both scored quite high which was a great relief for me and James. Tomorrow we are back in the pool at 8:00am for another skill circuit but this time focusing on how to move from simply demonstrating a skill to actually teaching it to inexperienced divers. For the second part of tomorrow I will be thrown headfirst into the world of IDC dive physics. I think I should probably prepare for another sleepless night since I can already feel the anxiety building up. Stefan and Chris have assured me that by the end of the IDC I will be a physics master and will have no troubles completing the Instructor Exam.
Stay tuned to the blog to follow my progress from physics phobic to physics fanatic (or at least I hope).