26 Jan

Intern’s Journal | Internship Preparations

Intern’s Journal | Internship Preparations

„Bali? Wow… Where is it again? China? And is it going to be cold there during winter time?” That was the most common reaction of people when telling them about my internship in Indonesia.  I didn’t know Germans are so behind the times and I honestly felt a little bit ashamed. So after clearing some things up, they usually asked me when I am going to leave and my answer was always “Well, there is still a lot of time left!”. But a few days ago, I realized: “Wait, a lot of time?! Ten days!  My adventure is going to start soon!” I have absolutely no idea  what to expect, I don’t know anybody over there and I have no idea how my accommodation is going to be – but hey, no risk no fun!  With my internship in the marketing department of Blue Season Bali, I would like to improve my skills in terms of online marketing and would simply like to earn some practical experiences, but because of not being there, I don’t know how the company is running. The last weeks have been really stressful in terms of organizing everything. I had to get my visa and (of course) something went wrong and due to my lack of knowledge of the Indonesian language, it took some time to solve the problem. Besides that, I had to get so many vaccinations, at some point, I gave up counting.  So now, I can probably live in the jungle for years without getting sick – you never know where life is going to take you! Yesterday, I throw a huge farewell party and first tears were rolling. On the one hand, I am really sad to leave my friends back in Germany but on the other hand, I am just so excited to start a complete new life in a foreign country. It’s weird not to know how everything is going to be but I have a really good feeling. Because of being to Bali before, I already got to know the beauty of the island and its people. Bali was love at first sight and I am so happy to have the opportunity to get to know the island and the people better and from another point of view – by living and working with Indonesians and foreign people in general. So see you soon Bali, I am looking SO forward to hanging out with you again! Picture If you enjoyed reading this blog post, you may also be interested in Jessica’s internship experience here.

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